The Code Den

I *do not* know what I am doing™

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Hi! My name’s Atirut, but you may know me by another alias, Wattana. This is my personal website where I write blogs sharing my thoughts, opinions, experiences, blah blah blah. I’m a hobbyist programmer (hence the website’s name), so most of the stuff here will be pretty nerdy. I’ll try to keep it varied, though. Oh, yeah, I also occasionally write tutorials, too. I hope you enjoy reading my ramblings!

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10/06/2024 - Rebrand Announcement

If you arrived here after encountering a 404 page trying to visit this blog, congrats! You’re one of the, uh… 0 OGs now. You might also noticed the name change from simply “Atirut’s Blog” to “The Code Cave”. Name is still a WIP, but it’s part of the rebrand. I probably won’t make a second announcement if I change the name again, so don’t be confused when it happens.

09/06/2024 - Previewing a GH Pages site locally

…a.k.a. “why is Ruby package management so damn convoluted?”